Splinter cell pandora tomorrow pc
Splinter cell pandora tomorrow pc

splinter cell pandora tomorrow pc

In Indonesia, you'll creep through the heavy brush, perhaps using the dense foliage to hide the bodies of your victims out of sight. One of Pandora Tomorrow's obvious improvements on its predecessor is in how it takes place in more-exotic locales. The first Splinter Cell game took place predominantly in building interiors, which were richly detailed but naturally mundane. In the single-player portion of the game, you'll reprise the role of Sam Fisher and track this culprit around the globe, in locations ranging from a speeding passenger train hurtling across Paris, to a military camp in Indonesia. The title of Pandora Tomorrow refers to a code phrase used by the presumed villain of the game, a guerrilla leader threatening the free world with a biological contagion.

Splinter cell pandora tomorrow pc